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Publications (peer-reviewed)
Kumar, Nirnimesh, James A. Lerczak, Tongtong Xu, Amy F. Waterhouse, Jim Thomson,
Eric J. Terrill, Christy Swann, Sutara H. Suanda, Matthew S. Spydell, Pieter B.
Smit, Alexandra Simpson, Roland Romeiser, Stephen D. Pierce, Tony de Paolo,
André Palóczy, Annika O’Dea, Lisa Nyman, James N. Moum, Melissa Moulton, Andrew
M. Moore, Arthur J. Miller, Ryan S. Mieras, Sophia T. Merrifield, Kendall
Melville, Jacqueline M. McSweeney, Jamie MacMahan, Jennifer A. MacKinnon, Björn
Lund, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Luc Lenain, Michael Kovatch, Tim T. Janssen, Sean R.
Haney, Merrick C. Haller, Kevin Haas, Derek J. Grimes, Hans C. Graber, Matt K.
Gough, David A. Fertitta, Falk Feddersen, Christopher A. Edwards, William
Crawford, John Colosi, C. Chris Chickadel, Sean Celona, Joseph Calantoni,
Edward F. Braithwaite III, Johannes Becherer, John A. Barth, and Seongho Ahn
The inner-shelf dynamics experiment,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, May 2021, E1033-63.
Sundermeyer, M. A., D. A. Birch, J. R. Ledwell, M. D. Levine, S. D. Pierce,
and B. T. Kuebel Cervantes (2020)
Dispersion in the open ocean seasonal pycnocline at scales of 1-10 km and 1-6
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 415-437.
McSweeney, J. M., J. A. Lerczak, J. A. Barth, J. Becherer, J. A. Colosi, J. A.
MacKinnon, J. H. MacMahan, J. N. Moum, S. D. Pierce, and A. F. Waterhouse
(2020) Observations of shoaling nonlinear internal bores across the central
California inner shelf,
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 111-132.
Sato, M., J. A. Barth, K. J. Benoit-Bird, S. D. Pierce, T. J. Cowles, R. D.
Brodeur, and W. T. Peterson (2018) Coastal upwelling fronts as a boundary for
planktivorous fish distributions,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595, 171-186.
Keller, A. A., L. Ciannelli, W. W. Wakefield, V. Simon, J. A. Barth, and
S. D. Pierce (2017) Species-specific responses of demersal fishes to
near-bottom oxygen levels within the California Current large marine ecosystem,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 568, 151-173.
Mazzini, P. L. F., C. M. Risien, J. A. Barth, S. D. Pierce,
A. Erofeev, E. P.
Dever, P. M. Kosro, M. D. Levine, R. K. Shearman, and M. F. Vardaro (2015)
Anomalous near-surface low-salinity pulses off the central Oregon coast,
Scientific Reports, 5, 10.1038/srep17145. (pdf)
Pfeiffer-Herbert, A. S., F. G. Prahl, B. Hales, J. A. Lerczak, S. D. Pierce,
and M. D. Levine (2015) High resolution sampling of methane transport in the
Columbia River near-field plume: implications for sources and sinks in a
river-dominated estuary, Limnology and Oceanography,
Ainley, D. G., G. Ballard, R. M. Jones, D. Jongsomjit,
S. D. Pierce, W. O. Smith, Jr., and S. Veloz
(2015) Trophic cascades in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica:
revisited, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 534, 1-16.
Keller, A. A., L. Ciannelli, W. W. Wakefield, V. Simon, J. A. Barth, and S. D.
Pierce (2015)
Occurrence of demersal fishes in relation to near-bottom oxygen
levels within the California Current large marine ecosystem,
Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 162-176.
Shcherbina, A., M. A. Sundermeyer, E. Kunze, E. D'Asaro,
G. Badin, D. Birch, A. E. G. Brunner-Suzuki, J. Callies,
B. Cervantes, M. Claret, B. Concannon, J. Early, R.
Ferrari, L. Goodman, R. R. Harcourt, J. M. Klymak, C. M. Lee,
M. Lelong. M. D. Levine, R. Lien, A. Mahadevan, J. C.
McWilliams, M. J. Molemaker, S. Mukherjee, J. D. Nash, T.
Ozgokmen, S. D. Pierce, S. Ramachandran, R. M. Samelson, T. B.
Sanford, R. K. Shearman, E. D. Skyllingstad, K. S. Smith, A. Tandon,
J. R. Taylor, E. A. Terray, L. N. Thomas, and J. R. Ledwell
The LatMix Summer Campaign: Submesoscale Stirring in the Upper Ocean,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, 1257-1279.
Sundermeyer, M. A., E. Skyllingstad, J. R. Ledwell, B. Concannon, D. Birch, S.
D. Pierce, and B. Cervantes (2014) Observations and numerical simulations of
large eddy circulation in the ocean surface mixed layer,
Geophys. Res. Letters, 41, 7584-7590.
Wu, D., M. Zhou, S. D. Pierce, J. A. Barth, and T. J. Cowles (2014)
Zooplankton distribution and transport in the California Current off
Marine Ecology Progress Series,
508, 87-103.
Kannberg, P. K., A. M. Trehu, S. D. Pierce, C. K. Paull, and D. W. Caress (2013)
Temporal variation of methane flares in the ocean above Hydrate Ridge, Oregon,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368, 33-42.
Pierce, S. D., J. A. Barth, R. K. Shearman, and A. Y. Erofeev
(2012) Declining oxygen in the northeast Pacific,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42, 495-501.
Mote, P. W., D. Gavin, A. Huyer, J. A. Barth, D. B. Chelton,
M. Fortune, B. Hales, P. M. Kosro, S. D. Pierce, R. Samelson,
K. Shearman, R. L. Smith, and P. T. Strub (2010) Climate change in
Oregon's land and marine environments. In
Oregon Climate Assessment Report,
pp. 1-45, K. D. Dello and P. W. Mote (eds). Oregon Climate Change
Research Institute, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 412 pp.
Ainley, D. G., K. D. Dugger, R. G. Ford, S. D. Pierce, D. C. Reese,
R. D. Brodeur, C. T. Tynan, and J. A. Barth
Association of predators and prey at frontal features in the
northern California Current: competition, facilitation, and co-occurrence,
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,
389, 271-294.
Keister, J. E., W. T. Peterson, and S. D. Pierce (2009)
Zooplankton distribution and cross-shelf transfer of carbon in an area of
complex mesoscale circulation in the northern California Current,
Deep Sea Research I,
56, 212-231.
Barth, J. A., J. M. Bane, S. D. Pierce, and S. M. Haines
The wind-driven coastal ocean: now in high-def,
21, no. 4, p. 53.
Agostini, V. N., A. N. Hendrix, A. B. Hollowed, C. D. Wilson,
S. D. Pierce, and R. C. Francis (2008)
Climate-ocean variability and Pacific hake: a geostatistical modeling
J. of Marine Systems,
71, 237-248.
Barth, J. A., B. A. Menge, J. Lubchenco, F. Chan, J. M. Bane, A. R. Kirincich,
M. A. McManus, K. J. Nielsen, S. D. Pierce, and L. Washburn
Delayed upwelling alters nearshore coastal ocean ecosystems in the northern
California current,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104,
Pierce, S. D., J. A. Barth, R. E. Thomas, and G. W. Fleischer (2006)
Anomalously warm July 2005 in the northern California
Current: historical
context and the significance of cumulative wind stress,
Geophys. Res. Letters, 33,
L22S04, doi:10.1029/2006GL027149.
Kosro, P. M., W. T. Peterson, B. M. Hickey, R. K. Shearman, and
S. D. Pierce (2006)
The physical versus the biological spring transition: 2005,
Geophys. Res. Letters, 33,
L22S03, doi:10.1029/2006GL027072.
Agostini, V. N., R. C. Francis, A. B. Hollowed, S. D. Pierce, C. Wilson,
and A. N. Hendrix (2006)
The relationship between hake (Merluccius productus) distribution
and poleward sub-surface flow in the California Current system,
Canadian J. of Fish. and Aquatic Sciences, 63,
Barth, J. A., S. D. Pierce, and R. M. Castelao (2005) Time-dependent,
wind-driven flow over a shallow midshelf submarine bank,
J. Geophys. Res., 110,
C10S05, doi:10.1029/2004JC002761.
Wijesekera, H. W., D. Rudnick, C. A. Paulson, S. D. Pierce, S. Pegau, J.
Mickett, and M. C. Gregg (2005) Upper ocean heat and freshwater budgets in the
Eastern Pacific warm pool,
J. Geophs. Res., 110, C08004,
Tynan, C. T., D. G. Ainley, J. A. Barth, T. J. Cowles, S. D. Pierce, and
L. B. Spear (2005) Cetacean distributions relative to ocean processes in the
northern California Current System,
Deep-Sea Res. II, 52,
Ainley, D. G., L. B. Spear, C. T. Tynan, J. A. Barth, S. D. Pierce, R. G.
Ford and T. J. Cowles (2005) Physical and biological variables affecting
seabird distributions during the upwelling season of the northern California
Deep-Sea Res. II, 52,
Sutor, M. M., T. J. Cowles, W. T. Peterson, and S. D. Pierce (2005) Acoustic
observations of finescale zooplankton distributions in the Oregon upwelling
Deep-Sea Res. II, 52,
Ressler, P. H., R. D. Brodeur, W. T. Peterson, S. D. Pierce, P. M. Vance, A.
Rostad, and J. A. Barth (2005) The spatial distribution of euphausiid
aggregations in the Northern California Current during August 2000,
Deep-Sea Res. II, 52,
Barth, J. A., S. D. Pierce, and T. J. Cowles (2005) Mesoscale structure and its
seasonal evolution in the Northern California Current System,
Deep-Sea Res. II, 52,
Barth, J. A., T. J. Cowles, and S. D. Pierce (2001)
Mesoscale physical and bio-optical structure of the Antarctic Polar Front
near 170W during austral spring,
J. Geophys. Res., 106,
Pierce, S. D., R. L. Smith, P. M. Kosro, J. A. Barth, and C. D. Wilson (2000)
Continuity of the poleward undercurrent along the eastern boundary
of the mid-latitude North Pacific,
Deep-Sea Res. II, 47,
(supplementary online data report)
Barth, J. A., S. D. Pierce, and R. L. Smith (2000)
A separating coastal upwelling jet at Cape Blanco, Oregon and its
connection to the California Current system,
Deep-Sea Res. II, 47,
Pierce, S. D., J. A. Barth, and R. L. Smith (1999) Improving ADCP accuracy with
wide-area differential GPS and adaptive smoothing of ship velocity,
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 16,
Barth, J. A., D. Bogucki, S. D. Pierce, and P. M. Kosro (1998) Secondary
circulation associated with a shelfbreak front,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 25,
Pierce, S. D., J. S. Allen, and L. J. Walstad. Dynamics of the
Coastal Transition Zone jet, 1, linear stability analysis (1991)
J. Geophys. Res., 96,
Huyer, A., P. M. Kosro, J. Fleischbein, S. R. Ramp, T. Stanton, L. Washburn,
F. P. Chavez, T. J. Cowles, S. D. Pierce, and R. L. Smith (1991) Currents
and water masses of the Coastal Transition Zone off
northern California, June to August, 1988,
J. Geophys. Res., 96,
Dewey, R. K., J. N. Moum, C. A. Paulson, D. R. Caldwell, and S. D.
(1991) Structure and dynamics of a coastal filament,
J. Geophys. Res., 96,
Rodriguez, J. M., M. K. W. Ko, N. D. Sze, S. D. Pierce, J. G. Anderson,
D. W. Fahey, K. Kelly, C. B. Farmer, G. C. Toon, M. T. Coffey, L. E.
Heidt, W. G. Mankin, K. R. Chan, W. L. Starr, J. F. Vedder, and M. P.
McCormick (1989) Nitrogen and chlorine species in the spring
antarctic stratosphere: comparison of models with airborne
antarctic ozone experiment observations,
J. Geophys. Res., 94,
Pierce, S. D. and T. M. Joyce (1988) Gulf Stream velocity structure
through inversion of hydrographic and acoustic doppler data,
J. Geophys. Res., 93,
Joyce, T. M., C. Wunsch, and S. D. Pierce (1986) Synoptic Gulf Stream
velocity profiles through simultaneous inversion of hydrographic
and acoustic doppler data,
J. Geophys. Res., 91,